
what is the fly ash ?

News Date:2015-09-14

  Today, we will go on to some glossaries used in the cement industry. If are new in this area, come and see pls. The GREAT WALL MACHINERY is the expert in everything about the cement producing. Any questions, pls feel free to contact us.

  Absolute Emission

  The emission in a year expressed in quantity of CO2per year (t CO2per year)


  Alternative fuels and raw materials used to displace fossil fuel use in clinker production

  Alternative Fuel

  A material sourced from waste and by-products of other industries and the community

  Alternative Raw Material

  Waste or by-product material used as raw feed to the cement manufacturing process - thus reducing the amount of natural resources such as limestone

  Blast Furnace Slag

  A by-product of iron and steel manufacturing. In Australia,granulated blast furnace slagis used as an alternative cementitious material andair-cooled blast furnace slagis used as an aggregate.

  Bypass Dust

  Discarded dust from the bypass system de-dusting unit of the suspension pre-heater, pre-calciner and grate pre-heater kilns. The dust is fully calcined kiln feed material.

  Calorific Value

  The heating potential of fuel.

  Carbon Dust

  Carbon dust is used by cement kilns as an alternative fuel. It is a by-product of aluminium smelting and consistsprimarily of petroleum coke fines, aluminium, sodium and fluoride.


  A calcium alumina silicate with hydraulic properties that enable it to act as a binder. It is a key ingredient in concrete.

  Cementitious Material

  Materials that have similar properties to cement and that can be used to supplement for clinker or cement, for example slags and fly ash.


  Cement Kiln Dust.Dust extractedfrom long-dry and wet-kiln system de-ducting units, typicallymadeup of partially calcined kiln feed material.


  The artificial calcium silicate rock formed during the heating of raw materials ina cement kiln.Clinker is ground with other materials such as gypsum to form cement.


  Acombination of cement, sand, water and aggregate that bind together toform a material with high compressive strength.

  Demolition Timber

  Used timber from construction and/or demolition projects. The cement industry is able to utilise this material as an alternative fuel source.

  Direct Emissions

  Emissions from sources that are owned or operated by the reporting entity.

  Dry Process

  Amodern kiln technology that accepts theraw material as a fine, dry powder ready for calcining and clinkerisation.

  Fly Ash

  Fly ash is a by-product of thecombustion of pulverized coal in power generation plants.This material is used as both as an alternative raw material to form clinker, aswell as an additionto clinker during the grinding process.


  Greenhouse gas - typically referring to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorocarbons(PFCs/HFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

The Performance and Application Range of Ball Mill and Rod Mill Maintenance key points of fly ash mill Return column

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